In an unexpected move against the British, Nurettin Bey takes action in Victorious Mehmets Episode 24 English on Osman Online.
As the Halil Colonel and his troops make their way back to the barracks, they are confronted with an unexpected circumstance.
The Colonel was the one who stopped the caravan of supplies that was waiting for the British.
Nurettin Bey has made an accurate assessment of the situation and intends to take action against the British. In spite of the fact that Halil Colonel is passionately opposed to the relocation, Nurettin Bey will attempt to convince him differently.
Even if the adversary only manages to capture one of our soldiers, we will not give up the fight in Victorious Mehmets Episode 24 English on Osman Online.
Skopje sets out to save Mehmet.
Even if there is just one soldier still held captive by the adversary, the all-out battle will not be given up on at any point.
Mehmet is being saved by Skopje and other troops from the Special Organization, who are ignorant of Hamilton’s game versus Skopje.
Will it be possible for Skopje, which has fallen into a trap in its search for Mehmet, to retrieve him from the location where he is being held?
The assassination of Colonel Halil is going to be Hamilton’s next plan of action.
General Townshend has made it clear that he intends to break the Turkish siege using his own force from both the outside and the inside of the city by sending a request for assistance to Basra.
Mehmet is recruited by Hamilton to serve in the Ottoman army in Victorious Mehmets Episode 24 English on Osman Online.
Now, his objective is to eliminate Colonel Halil, who has progressively emerged as the most important player in this conflict…
Will Mehmet, who is now adrift in an abyss of darkness and ignorant of everything around him, be able to glimpse the light at the end of the tunnel?